
Tips for effective remote work

January 31, 2022
5 min read
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The idea of remote working was not a widely used practice prior to the  pandemic. However, with the world adapting to the new way of life, employers and employees have embraced it. Most individuals who have become comfortable with the idea have taken to social media to protest against returning to work. 

With a new variant of COVID-19 being discovered and increased cases, some countries are considering another lockdown period to find better ways of containing the coronavirus. This goes to suggest that more businesses will have to shift to remote work.

Remote working, just like any other thing comes with its pros and cons. However, individuals and businesses tend to sometimes lose sight of what to do whilst working remotely.

When working at home, it is imperative to be disciplined and set up a schedule or routine. Individuals should make a conscious effort to stick to these schedules to prevent burnout. Working long hours, increased burnout and health conditions are some downsides to remote work. This can however be managed when tackled with intentionality.

Remote work is generally related to an increased screen time. It is important to take breaks within business hours and balance screen time with other forms of activity. Use the built-in apps on your phone to track the amount of time you spend on various apps and it may surprise you. It is also important to set boundaries with both yourself and family and eliminate distractions during business hours. 

Remote work affords individuals the opportunity to take better care of themselves. Exercising and staying active is a good way to stay focused and increase your energy to work and produce best results. Controlling your diet and consuming home cooked meals as opposed to fast food which is usually preferred in the office setting due to workload can help you stay healthy. The mind and the body are not separate, what affects one, affects the other. Thus, living a healthy lifestyle will help you produce maximum results at work - right from home!

At Bewsys, we believe in working remotely and this is part of our culture. Employees are able to effectively work from home and maximise productivity by applying some of the tips highlighted above. Most importantly, they understand the importance of consciously ensuring they live a healthy life and promote good well-being (SDG 3) in order to maximize productivity. 

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